
The construction period

After several venues had been discussed with the municipal authorities as possible sites for relocating the Kiosk, a construction permit was issued. But it soon became apparent that the new site at the corner of Heussallee would require extensive underground construction beneath the little building. At a depth of about 3 meters an old fiber-cement water pipeline must first be replaced by a steel pipe before laying the foundation for the Kiosk. Prior to beginning the necessary underground measures lengthy negotiations had to be conducted with the municipal authorities and with BonnNetz to determine technical details of the work, ownership issues, and financing. All this was not anticipated by the Friends of the Historic Kiosk association and valuable time was lost.

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Thanks to the December 2018 decision of the Bonn’s Municipal Council and with the aid and co-financing of the Nordrhein- Westfalen-Stiftung, the funding for the unexpected underground construction was secured. Then came discussions with BonnNetz on the technical implementation. BonnNetz insisted that the Kiosk be liftable and that the pipe be laid in a single link. These demands required a change of plans and the issuance of a new tender for the underground construction, all of which meant a delay of another year.

Under construction since 13/01/2020

After another call for tenders became necessary owing to the complicated sub-surface construction, the Koll Baugesellschaft mbH from Remagen began work on the project in January 2020

February/March 2020

Underground construction measures are now underway – despite the Covid/Corona virus. We very much hope that the foundation for the Kiosk can be laid and its transport from the building yard to the new location can be implemented.

Construction progress as of March 2020

Affixed to the construction fence are information banners showing what is being built and the names of the most important contributors of funding.

Construction progress 08/04/2020

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Fotos: Jürgen Schulz

The Bundesbüdchen’s transport to Bonn’s former government district from 15 to 17 May 2020

The moment had come: In the early morning hours of Sunday, 17 May 2020, the cult object of the Bonn Republic – the historic Federal Kiosk – was loaded onto a flatbed trailer at the building yard in Hersel and transported to its new site on the corner of Heussallee and Platz der Vereinten Nationen. The Kiosk arrived between 5 and 6 am. Between 6:30 and 7 am a special crane then lifted the little building onto its new location. With the return of the Bundesbüdchen,  the Friends of the Historic Kiosk are delighted that its restoration, in keeping with the guidelines for historic monuments, can now finally begin.

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Foto: Jürgen Schulz

We are pleased to thank the companies who have been part of the construction measures


Herr Dipl. Ing. Malte Lehrke, Bonn (Statik)
Dr. Leischner, Geotechnisches Büro, Bonn (Bodengutachten)
Ingenieurbüro Dirk & Michael Stelter, Siegburg (Tiefbauplaner)
Architekturbüro Christof Pfeifer, Bonn (Architekt)
Menzen Vermessung, Bonn

Skiledl labor on site:

Firma Koll, Remagen (Tiefbau)
Firma Hanf, Krählingen (Rohbau)
Bauservice Schmerler, Rheinbach (Abbruch)
Viktor Baumann GmbH, Bonn (Transport)
Bedachungen A. Eichhorn GmbH, Wachtberg (Dachdecker)
Alexander Fabeck Elektrotechnik, Wachtberg (Elektro)
König & Partner, Bonn (Heizung)
Neon-Hiepler GmbH, Grafschaft (Lichtwerbung)
DIENER Akustik GmbH, Rheinbach (Trockenbau)
Pieczkowski GmbH, Meckenheim (Bodenbelag)
Glasbau Müller GmbH, Meckenheim (Fenster)
Jaros GmbH, Meckenheim (Gerüstbau)
Heinrich Becker Söhne GmbH & Co. KG, Bonn (Innen/Außenputz)
Van de Sandt GmbH, Bonn (Malerarbeiten)
Walterscheid Geschäftseinrichtung, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid (Einrichtung / Restaurierung)